Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Football Fan Failure

I love college football. I really do. I look forward to football season. I love the excitement, the rivalries and the traditions. Even in the years like this one where my team is stinking it up, I love it. With college football comes trash talking, joking and heckling. For me, it's part of the experience. It's definitely more fun when your team is on top, but you can't win them all...or this year for the Longhorns, you can't win many at all. 

There are certain stereotypes that follow every school around. Texas fans are snobs who think they are better than everyone else or hippies who don't bathe and smoke a lot of pot. Aggies are rednecks who are all farmers. TCU folks are all rich frat boys. Baylor students are all the rich frat boys who aren't smart enough to get into TCU and the prude Baptist girls. Blah blah...the list goes on. The fact is that none of these are true but that doesn't stop us from ribbing our friends.  I am all for some good old fashioned heckling (I dish it out and certainly take my fair share) but there is a line where it becomes horrible. Keying a car with your rivals sticker in the window, spitting on someone, screaming and cussing at another person, throwing drinks from moving vehicles, peeing on another persons property...these are all things I have witnessed from college football fans. Enough. It's rude, disgusting, trashy and in many cases illegal. 

I am a big fan of my school and its teams. Everyone should be proud of their school. For all the time, money and energy put into your education you should proudly wear your t-shirt and sing your fight song and cheer!  But come on...golden rule folks. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Football Class aka Hell Hour for Mom

Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  Football is over.  For the last six weeks, twice a week I have schlepped the boys to the gym at the intermediate school for Charlies football class otherwise known as hell hour for mom.

Anyone who has ever met our family knows that Charlie has a few (many) behavioral issues.  He has trouble sitting still, keeping his hands off of other people, using a quiet voice, following directions, controlling his gas etc.  Before I really get started let me say that I realize that I got myself into this.  I am the mom.  I sign up the children for their activities.  I am not sure what I was thinking with this one.  I should have know.  Rowdy child, enclosed space, lots of rules and teenage instructors...not a good combo.  But alas, I signed him up anyway hoping that it might be a good way for him to exert some energy and perhaps for once his giantness would be handy.

Well I was wrong.

While the other 15 boys were standing in line waiting for their turn to throw/kick/run my son was running to the opposite side of the gym yelling "CHARGE" with his shirt pulled up over his head.  He was cornholio.  And I was humiliated.

He blasted into this life four years ago and has pretty much been raising hell ever since so you would think that I would be used to this by now.  But it never gets any easier to sit and watch your child acting out.  It is never an easy decision whether to let him work it out on his own or snatch him and run away from the glares with your head hung low.  I cannot ignore the looks and mutterings from other parents.  There are so many times that I want to stand up and yell to people, Yes, I know he is wild and no I am not just sitting here letting him get away with everything.  I am watching his every move cringing each time he starts rolling across the floor or growls in someones face or takes off his shoe and throws it.  I am ready to pounce if he even comes close to hurting someone else. I am sorry if he is offending you but I cannot physically follow him around and correct his every mistake all day every day.

I love that child and he has so many wonderful, amazing qualities. I want for him to show his kind, gentle, loving self all the time so everyone can see.  I am consantly having to remind myself that he is a young child and that he has an outgoing and spirited personality...determined temperament as his behavioral therapist would say.

Today was the last day of hell hour for mom and I cannot say that I am sad.  After watching his impulsivity on the first day and having another four-year-old boy come up to me and say, "your son is not a nice boy," all I wanted to do was scoop him up, go home and never come back.  Instead we attended every practice and I sat in anxiety through each one.  I figured I could at least teach him commitment if nothing else.  I pray that I can calm down and appreciate the good moments; that I can praise him for the two minutes that he sat in the line instead of criticize him for his mistakes.  And Lord, please give the other parents a little bit of understanding.  Please help them to also see the good in my child instead of commenting to each other, "Geez is anyone going to do anything about that kid."

Ramble over...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

10 Random Things My Mom Taught Me

1. Fruit roll ups, gummy bears and cokes will ruin your teeth and you will have to get them all pulled and will have a mouth full of wooden teeth!
2. Do not, under any circumstances, let your body come in contact with the bedspread in a hotel. They don't wash those and you will contract a deadly disease if you do so.
3. Always carry a corkscrew in your purse. I mean, how else are you going to open your wine in your hotel room while you sit on your bedspreadless bed?!
4. Taste your food before you salt it. Some moms play dirty salt tricks!
5. Don't be afraid to dance at weddings. Who cares if someone thinks you look goofy?  You are having a better time than them. (Bonus: If you fall and break your arm while dancing at a wedding get up and finish the song before you go to the emergency room.)
6. Someone has to be in charge. If you stand back and let someone else be the boss you will end up doing a bunch of stupid crap. Grab the bull by the horns. 
7. Carry a granola or protein bar in your glove box  otherwise the McDonalds drive thru is too tempting. 
8. How to take off your bra inside your shirt.  Nuff said. 
9. Wear your damn sunscreen!!!!  Nothing will age you faster than the sun. 
10. Be confident. Whether it is your brain, your body, your are who God wanted you to be. Don't apologize or feel guilty. 

Mom, thank you for teaching me these and so much more. I love you!  Happy Mothers Day!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

3 vs 6

Sometimes I write little secret notes to my boys in my journal.  I never give the notes to them.  This exercise is to help me clear my mind and organize my thoughts.  These latest notes are an excellent example of the differences between a 6-year-old and 3-year-old boy.

A note to my boys:

May you always keep your charm.  Be confident in yourself and try not to care so much about what everyone else thinks of you.  Be your amazing self.  Accept that there are rules in life.  It does not matter where you are, there are things we all just HAVE to do and sometimes those things just stink.  Suck it up and do what you have to do.  Enjoy your life.  Be more positive and dont always be looking for the ugly side of things.  See that there are small pieces of happiness all around if you will be open to seeing them.  Eat something other than peanut butter.  Food is amazing and delicious and you are SO missing out.  Learn when you can let your true feelings show and when you need to keep it together.  Get outside and run around.  It is good for you health and also for you mind.  Dont ever stop giving me hugs and kisses.  I love you.

Please keep your hands to yourself.  People will like you more if you do not sit on their heads.  You do not need to completely remove your shoes, socks, pants and underwear to go poop.  I love you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Expensive Red Lipstick Days

I have a secret. A very strange secret. Not even my husband knows. Its dark and deep, and...sometimes bright depending on the day. Huh?! Expensive Red Lipstick. When I am having a crap day or feeling extraordinarily anxious or uncomfortable I wear bold, red lipstick.

Child 2 kicked me in the face while I attempted to put on his shoes...popped on some Dior in Rouge Massai. Got my second speeding ticket in a week...slathered on YSL Glossy Stain in #9 Rouge Laque. Got back from dropping off the kids for school and realized there are two days of dirty dishes to wash and six loads of laundry to fold...pull out the trusty Chanel Rouge Coco in Gabrielle.

It is a weird thing to do...I realize this. But something about a luxurious red lipstick just seems to make everything else easier. When I wear red lipstick I am not quite as tense, I carry less anger, I smile more. It just makes the day a little easier to face. I mean come on!  It's MUCH harder to scowl at yourself in the mirror when you are rocking a perfect red lip.

I always take it off before my husband gets home from work know...he doesn't need any more proof that I'm a lunatic. I provide plenty of that without involving my cosmetics. ;)

So if you happen to run into me in Costco wearing my big grey sweatpants, with my dirty hair in a wad on top of my head but notice I am wearing red lipstick without another stitch of makeup on my face, instead of backing away slowly from the crazy lady, come give me a hug...I probably need it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lazy Ass

I am always reading articles in magazines, seeing posts on Facebook and hearing people ask, "what do you do all day as a stay at home mom."  So instead of defending my point and getting into a deep philosophical debate about it I thought I would straight out tell you what I do all day:

- Get up and feed the kids breakfast. 
-dress myself in workout clothes, put up my hair and brush my teeth routine
- Hassle oldest child to hurry up and eat because we need to leave while I throw all of his mess into his backpack
-flop down on my bed for a few moments of fake sleep while said child finishes breakfast. 
-Ask oldest child to put on shoes and listen to the next five minute rant about why he doesn't like his tennis shoes and why does he always have to go to school  and when can he make all the rules. 
-drive to school to drop off child, deliver potato salad for the teachers luncheon and put our stuffed bunny into the donation box for sick children while oldest son complains that it is not fair that he didn't get a stuffed animal. 
- drive home and again plop face down in an attempt to fake a few more moments of sleep. 
- chase, catch and then wrestle youngest child to the floor to dress and put on shoes. 
- spend five minutes negotiating with and bribing child to get in the car
- drive to school and drop off lunatic #2
- drive to gym and try to cram an hour long workout into 30 minutes
- leave gym and head to grocery store where I proceed to speed shop for a weeks worth of food. 
- drive home, unload groceries, put groceries away, put in a load of laundry and move the load from yesterday to the pile on the floor. 
-clean up breakfast mess
- get meat for dinner out to thaw and chop vegetables needed for the recipe
- turn on shower but then sit down naked on the vanity bench and check Facebook 
- shower, get dressed and put on some makeup
- grab random baggies of leftover from the refrigerator, shove them in your mouth and call it lunch. 
- drive to cvs to pick up prescriptions
-argue with the pharmacist about the $4 i should actually be paying vs the $50 they are charging
- wait 10 minutes while she checks with the head pharmacist. Pay $4 and leave
- drive to pickup littlest man and call girlfriend in the car. Complain about errands and annoying children then talk about the perfect house/body/children/wardrobe we want. 
- pick up youngest and take him home
- talk about his day, the good the bad and the ugly. Play dinosaurs.
-Move the wet laundry to the dryer. 
- spend 5-7 minutes letting child decide what he wants for a snack in the car. Finally get frustrated and pick up a package of goldfish. Child starts screaming in protest while you drag him by one arm to the car. 
-drive to oldest sons school and park in the insanely long pick up line. 
- pick up son and listen to the proceeding explanation of what went wrong, what went really wrong and can he have a lollipop
-get home and carry 523 pounds worth of kid equipment into the house while they scratch at my legs and beg for snack. 
- serve snack but immediately start the time warnings that we have to leave for soccer in 10 minutes. 
- spend next 15 minutes putting the godforsaken soccer gear on the big child. 
- load soccer gear, snack, iPads and water into car. 
- scream at children that they will get a spanking if they don't get in the car right now!
- drive to soccer while trying to block out the whines about how mean I am. 
- play iPad games with the little while the big attempts to play soccer for 55 minutes
- load crew and equipment back into car. Then begins the complaints about what gross things I am probably making for dinner and why can't we go out to eat
- arrive home and plop children in front of the electronic babysitting box
- cook dinner and set table while attempting to time it right so it we be hot when husband arrives home
- husband and I eat dinner while our children whine and complain about the disgusting meal I cooked. On some extra special nights vomiting on the table is included. 
- send husband and children upstairs to play
- clean the kitchen and wash the dishes for the next hour in relative silence with the males upstairs. Walk around the house and try to clean up any messes that involve bodily fluids or may attract ants. 

- hide in my room if I finish early 
- baths, reading, brushing, praying and then it's whack a mole bed time. 
-when they are finally asleep I have zero motivation left to do anything...oh but there is more
- spend the next 30-60 minutes working on our home business paperwork
- wash my face and lay on the couch with my hub feeling so tired and ready for sleep. 
- body refuses to sleep so I write
...morning again...

So how does it sound people?  Yeah, I guess I AM a big lazyass!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pretty Sure I Cannot Offend Anyone With This

It is another one of those nights where I am super tired but cannot sleep. We had a full day of spring (un)break activities and have another one set up for tomorrow so I should really be catching some z's. But alas...I am awake.

Instead of thinking about all the things I need to do/should have done today/didn't do today/will have to do tomorrow, I am thinking about my friends. There is no doubt that I have a wonderful family, my husband is a superstar and my sons are my biggest question there. But I rarely thank my friends for their important roles in my life. They each contribute something irreplaceable to my life.

I have the friend who is my mommy mentor. She was a mommy before and with me. She amazes me with her ability to juggle all her children's schedules and activities while also taking such good care of herself. She is healthy and strong and the original supermom friend I've had.

I have the friend who is not a mommy yet. She will be. It's her destiny. She is such a damn hard worker and puts her complete self into whatever her task of the moment is. She has been through some awful, stinky, unfair things and she has emerged on top and ready to kick ass. She is funny, emotionally strong, dedicated and the most loyal friend I have.

I have the friend who is the mommy I know will always make me laugh and will never be offended by my rude language or snarky comments. She makes me feel incredibly comfortable to be myself and does not judge me. She is smart, observant and honest. She is also HILARIOUS!

I have the friend who I love and hate at the same time. I love her because she is kind, supportive and a generally happy person to be around. I hate her because she is a complete knockout and has the patience of a saint with her children. She is uplifting, easygoing and real.

I have the friend who cannot be shocked by anything. I can freak out just about any person on the planet with stories from my boys...but not her. She has a stomach of steel and she can outdo any level of weirdness/grossness/ inappropriateness etc. She is so secretive about the unpleasant things going on in her life that you would never know there was something upsetting her. She is steadfast, amazingly generous and creative.

I have the friend who is the most accomplished professional woman I know. She has worked her tushie off to get to the level she has reached. She is a genius and somehow still so gentle and loving. She will talk circles around you and disprove your point with interesting facts and figures and will then hug you and schedule to take you to dinner on her way out. She is feisty, brainy and so giving of her affection.

And these are just a few of the incredible friends I have. How on earth do I deserve these friends? Thank you Lord for bringing these women into my life. Thank you for giving me such a variety of amazing women to guide me, support me, love me, laugh with me, cry with me, set me straight when I need it and point me in the right direction when I stray.