1. Fruit roll ups, gummy bears and cokes will ruin your teeth and you will have to get them all pulled and will have a mouth full of wooden teeth!
2. Do not, under any circumstances, let your body come in contact with the bedspread in a hotel. They don't wash those and you will contract a deadly disease if you do so.
3. Always carry a corkscrew in your purse. I mean, how else are you going to open your wine in your hotel room while you sit on your bedspreadless bed?!
4. Taste your food before you salt it. Some moms play dirty salt tricks!
5. Don't be afraid to dance at weddings. Who cares if someone thinks you look goofy? You are having a better time than them. (Bonus: If you fall and break your arm while dancing at a wedding get up and finish the song before you go to the emergency room.)
6. Someone has to be in charge. If you stand back and let someone else be the boss you will end up doing a bunch of stupid crap. Grab the bull by the horns.
7. Carry a granola or protein bar in your glove box otherwise the McDonalds drive thru is too tempting.
8. How to take off your bra inside your shirt. Nuff said.
9. Wear your damn sunscreen!!!! Nothing will age you faster than the sun.
10. Be confident. Whether it is your brain, your body, your personality...you are who God wanted you to be. Don't apologize or feel guilty.
Mom, thank you for teaching me these and so much more. I love you! Happy Mothers Day!