Saturday, July 2, 2011

Oh my achin back aka Oh my leakin boobies

We survived our first day without any grandparents to help. Luckily Charlie slept two three and a half hour stretches last night so I got decent sleep. I think Chris got less but he can fall asleep within two minutes so I don't feel too sorry for him ;) I can definitely feel the difference between bringing home our first child and bringing home our second. I am WAY less afraid of this kid! He is nine days old. When Connor was nine days old I was nervous all the times, had not slept in 40 hours and had already called the pediatrician a dozen times to make sure he was not dying. This time...not so much. I am hoping my new found calm continues this coming week when Chris goes back to work!

My biggest issue is my back and boobs hurting like crazy! I am so bad about lifting with my legs instead of my back. I better learn quickly though because I am already sore from lifting a 40 pounder AND holding a little guy.

Since I had so much difficulty with breastfeeding Connor and he ended up on formula anyway, we decided that I would skip it completely this time. Charlie is doing well and is a much better sleeper as a result but my boobs are KILLING me! I have not been without a skin tight sports bra since he was born. I've been using ice packs and advil to help the pain but every time that child (or Connor) cries I get shooting pains from my armpit to my nipple and then have a lovely gush of breastmilk. Why is it that when you are desperate for the milk to come it will not but when you are trying to keep it away it is free flowing?

I even had a leak through my shirt the other night in front of my father in law. I didn't go running into my room embarrassed. Again, there is the difference between the first and second child.

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