Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Charles Michael Bass

I think I have already forgotten some of the details of the big day but I am going to try to remember the best that I can. Something about pushing a baby out makes you forget a few things.

Chris and I got to the hospital at 6 am for my induction. They had me fill out all my paperwork and got me hooked up to all the machines and then it was time for the nurses shift change so we got a little delayed. Our nurse, Anita, arrived and a resident inserted a prostaglandin gel called prepadyl to start dilation. It burned like icy hot and started some contractions immediately. I was in a little pain but nothing unbearable. Lea Ann. Mom and Dad got to the hospital around 7:30 and prepared for the day of waiting. One of the residents checked my cervix and it was only a 3 but Dr. Martin asked them to go ahead and try to break my water. Two residents tried and decided that it was still too high and they were not comfortable breaking the water. Dr. Martin came to the hospital and did it herself. Boy, was that a strange feeling. When Connor was born I had already had an epidural at that point and didn't feel it so this was a new experience for me. Nurse Anita started the pitocin and Dr. Martin told me I was free to get an epidural at any time.

In comes the anesthesiologist. Woohoo! Except there was on spot on my right hip/ovarian area that was not numb. I was feeling the contractions on that area fairly strongly so they came back and gave me a little top off. Gone was the pain but on came the pressure. The nurse checked my cervix again and it was still only a 5. Boo! About that time, Charlie's heart rate began to drop and they made me turn on my side and take oxygen. The same thing happened with Connor but it still freaked me out. The pressure was getting very intense so I asked to be checked again. Only a 7. This made me cry because I didn't think I could take the pressure while I waited to get fully dilated. I was crying and complaining so Nurse Anita called Dr. Martin to come check things out. When she arrived she said I was ready to go. I went from 7 cm to 10cm in about 15 minutes. I could feel Charlie's head come down with every contraction and raise back up when it was over.

The nurses got the room ready for delivery and I started pushing. Chris decided to watch this time and was very excited as things were going along. I pushed 6 times and on the 7th push Dr. Martin was able to get her finger under Charlie's armpit. He was out on the 8th push. 8 pounds 9 ounces and 21 inches long. He was perfect!

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