Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why don't you just stick a knife in my heart?

Children can make you melt with pride and feel like you have been given the biggest gift in the world. They can also crush you and make you feel like the worst person who ever lived.

As we all know, I don't always have the cleanest mouth. I have really been trying to watch the things that I say and to limit my cussing to extreme situations only (ex. someone cutting me off on the highway or dropping a glass on the kitchen floor etc.) The problem is that my little man picks up EVERYTHING I say.

Chris got home from work today and told Connor that he had gotten a new Thomas DVD in the mail. Connor responded with an emphatic, "Oh My God!" This is certainly not the worst thing for him to say, I mean he didn't say "You are shitting me!" or anything like that but nonetheless this is not something that we want him to say. Chris got mad at him and told him not to say that anymore. Then he asked him where he learned those words and Connor stuck out his bottom lip and said as clear as day, "I learned it from mommy's words." Crush. Stab. Smack. It was one of the saddest moments I have had as a parent. We are talking up there with the time he fell off the couch when he was two months old and when I accidentally let him choke.

Let's see if it was enough to make me stop the bad language all together.

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