And it got my blood boiling. I was spanked as a child and I too spank my children. According to this ignorant poster I am a child abuser as are my parents and most of my friends and family. Ok, then I am also a billionaire supermodel who invented electricity after I graduated from Harvard Law School at the age of 10.
My sons are five and two years old. They do not understand complex consequences. My boys are smart, but if it doesn't affect them right now, they don't really care. When they show behavior that I want to discourage I put them in time out, take away a toy and yes, spank them. They are warned that they are about to be spanked and I make them tell me why they got the spanking. Do something you are not supposed to and get something you don't like. It is as simple as that. The theory is the same for adults but we have a greater understanding of action and consequence. If I'm speeding, I get a ticket. I don't like that. If I don't pay my mortgage, my house is foreclosed. I don't like that. If I steal a necklace, I go to jail. I don't like that either.
I spank my children to help them grow and mature to understand all consequences. I spank them because I want them to be responsible, discerning humans one day. I spank them because I love them.
If you don't want to spank your children that is fine with me. Each parent makes their own decisions about how to raise their children but please do not call me a child abuser. There are so many children who are truly abused. Please don't compare a parent trying to teach their child right from wrong to a person who punches their child and puts cigarettes out on their necks. It belittles those poor children who are really being hurt.
Mom and Dad, thank you for spanking me. I am a better person for it.